After a satisfying nine hours of work yesterday, I needed a happy break from the tedium that had become photoshopping insects. EJ and I went to Safeway to pick up some milk for my necessary dose of coffee in the mornings, and while we wandered around wide-eyed as usual, I fell in love with a pair of sunglasses. I knew, right then and there, that they needed to glow in the dark. I also knew that I needed to paint something else on them, though I had no idea what.
It's now almost 4:30 in the morning and I'm still up, painting while going back and forth listening to Disma and Combichrist. I can't tell if I don't want to sleep, if I had too much caffeine earlier in the evening, or if my Muse is screaming so harshly in my ear that sleeping never stood a chance of meeting me tonight. Perhaps it's a mix of all three.
Some of my hair is UV reactant now, and I want these sunglasses to match that. I'm tempted to redo my nails again and make them glow in the dark. I'm not sure what spurred my recent obsession with things that glow in the night, but I'm going to take full advantage of it while it lasts.
As for the creature on my glasses? It's a glorious earwig, decidedly yesterday's insect of the day. The Order is Dermaptera, meaning "skin wing", and can be easily recognized by the pincer-like cerci at the bottom of the abdomen. Contrary to popular urban legend, they do not crawl into your ear and lay their eggs inside your brain - that would be, after all, a little bit too cool for reality. Rather, they eat plant matter, be it dead and decaying or live, though some species are predatory. They also look awesome painted on glow-in-the-dark sunglasses.
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