Wednesday, August 3, 2011

[e014] Overwhelmed

Minus the cigarettes in this image, this is how I've felt the past several days. Yesterday I spent over twelve hours working on a final project submission for an online class, and this morning I woke up excessively early (after little sleep) to prepare for a quiz. Our teacher has offered some extra credit for the first exam, so I want to work on that before staggering into work looking like a crack coffee fiend. I've fallen hours and hours behind at my job, so it looks like a good portion of my vacation will be spent trying to make-up for lost time.

Oh, did I say vacation? Why, yes. That is correct. This Friday night EJ and I are leaving for Connecticut to visit my brother and his lovely wife. I'm crossing my fingers for a punk show, a space metal show, hiking, being a beach bum, looking for snakes, going on more insect-massacre sprees, and wandering about New York. Also, let's not forget one of the most important facets: gratuitous amounts of photos.

Looks like my time is up. Back to the coffee pot! (It's the student equivalent of the Bat Mobile.)

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